Monday 26 January 2015

the ugly truth of victorian beauty ideals

The use of makeup was on a decline once Queen Victoria took to the throne in1837. England was under Strict moral code and sexual restraints. Make-up was frowned apon and seen as a sin. However that didn't stop women entirely, the use of powders to take the shine off the face and cole to enhance the dark circles of the eyes to enhance the look of being fragile.
26/01/15 viewed
viewed 26/01/15

Just like years before them having a tan was a sign of working outdoors and being poor and this was deemed as being vulger. they prevented gaining a tan not by just using parasols outside and covering up but also using makeup mixtures of white minerals powder and zinc oxide. They also drew vians on to give a transulute look to them selfs which was desired at the time.more natural tones ere used, eye shadows were made out of lead and antimaony sulfide, beet juice was used for cheecks and lipsticks were made from mercuric sulfide.
visited page 26/01/15

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