Tuesday 17 February 2015

developing the concept of Miss Havisham and the effects of isulation after 15 year

visited 12/02

So iv been looking into the effects of staying out of the sun for long periods of time, just like Miss Havisham has and also social isolation.
We are all made aware of her decaying look, her pale ghostly appearance and skin that looks like its hanging on for dear life to her, but i wanted to know how and why this happened. I felt i needed to do her justiest in recreating her. I wanted to get to know the inside and out of this complex character that big screen productions have spent years recreating.

Withen my resursch iv found that not only lack of sunlight will have a damaging affect on your your mentality but also on your viteume D levels.

In children this would cause ricketts, this was very common up until the early twentieth century purely down to poor diet and sheltered life style.
In adults low vitieum D would cause osteomalacia, this is basically were the bones become soft and weak. it causes pain in hip joints and legs and may require a walking stick. the early signs are that of nervousness, and pain.
this is interesting we know fall well that Miss Havishham was sandwich sort of a picnic so could her mental state be prolonged had she of actually leaved the house and tried to live normally. would she have ever gotton over her misfortune with her fiance?

So my question is , Did Miss Havisham have osteomalacia, or possibly an early onsite of it. This sort of info is really building her as a character up in my head.
This would give her a limp or a slouched walk.

I want to show signs of age, and decaying skin withen my face charts and finale design. this is crucial I believe in really portraying her justifiably

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