Tuesday, 14 April 2015

esttela inspiration for final design

Its subtly suggested that Esstella was a victuem of domestic violance in her marrage, so with this in mind I wanted to reflect the brusing technques learnt that also suggest that in the finale image.

estella 2012 film

Iv been  looking  at fresh bruiseing and old brusing to help with designing and doing justise to Estella's finale design.
i didnt

bruising from start to finish

i played around with the idea of her being strangled by her husband, i like this idea as i wanted to keep the makeup very fresh and youthful
taken on my own camra

George as my model
we spent a bit of time doing extream bruising and cuts.
its a little over the top and more thetircal

I like the idea of creating hairstyles based on these from the 2012 film

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